Welcome to Ústí Regional Library!

Ústí Regional Library in Ústí nad Labem is a contributory organization, whose institutor has been Ústí Region since 2001. By course of law No. 275/2001, as amended by the Act No. 1/2005, on libraries and conditions of pursuit of librarian and information services, The Library is a regional library fulfilling the function of a borough library as well. Ústí Regional Library thus consists of Children’s Library and General Readers Lending Room, which are situated in W. Churchilla 3, and of Reading Room in Velká Hradební 49 and 7 branch libraries in various parts of the City of Ústí nad Labem. Research library function is represented partly by The English Literature Department in Velká Hradební 49, Research Library Lending Room and by specialized study rooms and departments in Velká hradební 45 and 49. Ústí Regional Library performs and coordinates regional functions of selected authorised libraries in the region and is an authorised library itself for former Ústí district.


Ústí Regional Library